1 Dec 2015

December Calendar

Happy December!  I'm popping in to share the final calendar for this year.  On the weekend we lit the first advent candle and today we start our advent calendars.   The boys have their homemade ones and I have a devotional I'm following.  I'm really hoping that the boys will learn to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and be in awe of the greatest gift given.  The other day, my oldest saw our little Playmobil nativity set in the basement and exclaimed that it was for his advent calendar.  In past years, I have put a piece from the set in the advent calendar each day and it has been a great way to talk about the Christmas story with my boys.

I really hope that you have a wonderful Christmas season and that you enjoy the final calendar for 2015!

To download the calendar, click on the image below.  *the calendar is for personal use only*

Have a great first of December and don't forget to come back tomorrow for my Christmas home tour!


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for 12 months of beautiful calendars that brightened up my desktop :) happy holidays and many greetings Julia
