30 Sept 2014

October Printable Calendar

 Just popping in today to share the printable calendar for October.  It is really looking like fall around here.  The leaves have changed colours and they started to fall this weekend.  The weather has also been so nice!  We've been plugging away at our kitchen.  All the finer details like fillers and slight door adjustments seem to be taking the longest.  The doors are on the cabinets and Tech Guy and I keep commenting how weird it is to actually have doors on our cupboards.  You know your kitchen reno has taken too long when…  Along with all our kitchen work, I've been trying to plan and make things for the boys' birthday party.  I'm trying to keep it fairly simple since we have a lot going on this coming month.

Here is my design for October.  I tried to have the design be a modern take on a knit sweater pattern.  You can find the downloads below for an English and Finnish version (*these calendars are for personal use only).

I hope you enjoy this calendar.  Happy Fall!