9 Jun 2014

Summer Activities for Kids

We have had such beautiful weather lately and I am SO grateful.  The boys and I have been spending a lot of time outside and it's quite the battle to get the youngest one to come inside most days.  We've done a lot of outdoor activities like bike riding, going to the splash pad, park, soccer, etc., but we've been a little lacking on the homemade fun this year.  I think I've been so caught up in our house renos that I haven't thought much about diy summer activities.  So today I'm sharing some kids summer activity/craft/diy ideas that I hope will inspire you (and me!) to create and have some fun with the kiddos.

Now get to some summer crafting/diy-ing!  Happy Monday!


  1. Great ideas! I've never seen anything like the popsicle ice chalk before! Abe doesn't ever want to come inside, either :)

  2. I always love your a-frame tent! Looks like you're going to have a great summer! I love that chalk idea!

  3. OH my gosh you are awesome! I always run a blank when coming up with stuff to do for the kids. This is so cool.

  4. Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing this. Totally pining and adding them to the summer list.

  5. lemonade stand!! yes please!!!
