3 Mar 2014

Nalle's House in a Finnish Magazine

My aunt sent me some very lovely mail this week.  The latest Koto Living magazine and I was so excited to see that my little old blog from Canada got a shout out!  For all my Finn relatives who haven't seen it yet you can now run out and get your copy! ;)  

Koto living is a really lovely magazine with all kinds of handmade crafts, decor inspiration and recipes.  It has a beautiful layout which makes it a great read.  This edition also has a fun cover. I heart koti (I heart home) is just the right amount of Finglish too. :)  My aunt also sent a little bit of Finnish coffee in the form of a ring on the front cover. :)

Nalle found this a most scintillating read.  He is the blog's namesake and got his own shout out in the magazine too.
Here's what the little excerpt said:

"Soumalainen Anu asuu miehensa kanssa kahden lapsensa ja Nalle-koiranssa kanssa Kanadassa ja raskastaa kaikkea suomalaista ja pohjoismaista:  designia, karkkeja, kirjontaa, taidetta, luistelua.  Kahdekasan vuoden aikana viisi kertaa muuttanut perhe on vihdoin loytanyt unelmiensa kodin.  Anun onneksi hanen miehensa osaa toteutta lahes kaikki hanen suunitelmansa ja he tekevatkin paljon yhdessa.  Naperryksien lisaksi loytyy niin leivonta - ja neuloohjeita kuin kaikkea kodin sisustamiseen liittyvaa."

"Anu is a Finn living in Canada with her ​​husband and their two children and dog, Nalle.  She loves  all things Finnish and Nordic: design, candies, embroidery, art, skating. In eight years her family has moved five times and have finally found their dream home.  Luckily for Anu, her husband is able to carry out almost all of her plans and they work on many projects together. In addition to crafts, you will find baking, sewing tutorials as well as home decor."

Hopefully, I translated that okay.  I tried google translate and they translated the "Anu is a Finn" part to "simple chatting Anu" ???   Maybe google translate was trying to tell me something?

Nalle really wasn't the most cooperative when I tried taking these photos.  He was a little mad at me for not taking him to Mummu's.  Most of the time he didn't feel up to reading. :)  Nalle really is such a good dog.  He's had his world turned upside down since the arrival of our first boy a little over three years ago now, but he continues to be the most gentle and patient dog with our boys.  He's going to be eight this year and I get a little teary thinking of how few years we get to spend with our loyal friend. 

Thanks so much to Koto Living for taking the time to mention my blog in your magazine.  It's greatly appreciated!


  1. YAY! congrats, anu! that is awesome and well deserved!

  2. Kyseisen lehden kautta löysinkin blogiisi :)

  3. Congrats! What an adorable magazine :)

  4. ha ha those pics with Nalle are awesome. Congrats on your feature. That is so exciting!!

  5. Big congrats! And this is the first time I ever saw an actual photo of Nalle. So cute

  6. YAY! Onnea kovasti. :D Ja ihanat kuvat Nallesta! Aika lutunen karvakorva.

  7. that is awesome! congrats!

  8. congratulations! Love the pictures of Nalle enjoying (or not) the read :)

  9. Congratulations! Well deserved :)


  10. Congratulations, Anu! So exciting!! :)
