10 May 2013


Co-pilot is 7 months already and he has changed so much this month.  He cut his first tooth, started sitting for longer periods, rolled over both ways (gets across the room by rolling now), started babbling (da-da, ma-ma, na-na, ga-ga, ya-ya) and tried his first foods.  Co-pilot doesn't like eating yet (breastmilk must be so much tastier than baby purees and rice cereal!).  He has also started to enjoy jumping in the excer-saucer.  He continues to have the sweetest personality and rarely cries/fusses and sleeps well.  He has, however, learned to communicate what he wants which most of the time ends up being me.  I don't mind at all, but sometimes Mommy does need to shower. :)  

This month I forgo a backdrop except for the monthly onesie photo for which I used one of the boys' curtain panels (you can see the room here).  We are happy to live in a neighbourhood with lots of mature trees and our neighbour's yard is pretty much a forest!  Here are Co-pilot's 7 month photos for you to enjoy:

To see more of Co-pilot's monthly photos click here.


  1. Such a cutie pie! Time flies too fast with little ones. They grow way too quickly and then instead of a baby you have a toddler and then they are going to school......

    1. I wish I could just freeze time for a little! Both boys are SO precious at the moment. :)

  2. Sigh... such blue eyes. He is adorable!!

    1. We'll have to see if they stay blue. I thought Little Pilot's would stay blue, but they've started to change colour now in his second year.

  3. He's getting so big! Beautiful boy!
